Jeffrey S. Lowe is an Associate Professor in the Department of Urban Planning and Environmental Policy,in the Barbara Jordan-Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs at Texas Southern University. In addition to his responsibilities as Director of the Center of Excellence for Housing and Community Development Policy Research.Prior to joining the Department of Urban Planning and Environmental Policy faculty,Lowe was a visiting Associate Professor of Urban Planning in the Graduate School of Architecture,Planning and Preservation at Columbia University; and Associate Director/visiting Associate Professor of the Mid Sized Cities Policy Research Institute, Graduate Program in City and Regional Planning at the University of Memphis, respectively.Also, he has held faculty positions in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at Jackson State University and Florida State University.Lowe is a past distinguished visiting fellow at the Advanced Research Collaborative,The Graduate Center,City University of New York.
Lowe’s research focuses on social justice and racial equity concerns within the context of community development.His scholarship advances understanding and policy recommendation for innovations in community-based planning, organizational development, and neighborhood revitalization and land use decisions in cities and regions. He is the author of Rebuilding Communities the Public Trust Way: Community Foundation Assistance to CDCs, 1980-2000 (Lexington Press 2006), which highlights cases of community foundation assistance to CDCs from 1980 to 2000 in Cleveland, Ohio, Miami,Florida, and New Orleans, Louisiana, and other publications including those in Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, Journal of Urban Affairs, and Urban Geography. At present,Lowe is a member of the Grounded Solutions Network (a Community Land Trust) Research Collaborative, and his efforts as an activist scholar aided in establishing the New York City Community Land Initiative and the Houston (Texas) Community Land Trust. Lowe earned a Bachelor of Business Administration from Howard University; a Master of City and Regional Planning from Morgan State University; and a Ph.D. in Urban Planning and Policy Development from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.